Oak Framed

Everything you need to know

before building with Oak

Building with Oak

Have you considered an oak frame building for your self-build project?

As almost 22% of new build and self-build homes are created using timber framing techniques, this traditional construction method is more popular than ever. This ever-increasing trend shows no sign of slowing and oak not only remains traditional but it has also become a truly modern material of choice. Due to many misconceptions about oak, many are put off due to the lack of knowledge available. This is why we want to address the need to know the basics for oak framed buildings to show how flexible and user-friendly oak can be.

Top 5 Considerations Before Designing Your Oak Framed Building
Oak framed buildings Nottinghamshire

1. Compliment your surroundings

Oak is versatile in appearance, lending itself perfectly to both traditional and contemporary designs. Our in-house design team will help you choose a material palette for your home that is warm, welcoming and most importantly, personal to you.

2. Durable structure

Many of our clients want to build homes that provide strength and security. Constructed using green oak, these frames gradually dry out or ‘season’ over time to produce a naturally stronger structure that will last for hundreds of years.


3. Natural Heat Insulation

Timber offers excellent heat insulation. Oak framed buildings are also quicker to heat, as the timber itself doesn’t require ‘pre-heating’, unlike masonry-built buildings.

4. Eco Friendly

We take our part in this issue very seriously. Not only through sourcing all of our timber from sustainably managed forests but also by recycling waste wherever possible. We believe that everything we do should contribute positively to the environment in the widest possible sense.


5. Use an experienced designer

While this may sound obvious, many architects and builders are unaware of all the strengths and limitations of oak in a building. Designing an oak frame building needs a specialist with experience and understanding of oak frame construction details.

Oak framed buildings Nottinghamshire

Don't compromise

Why use premium materials and skimp on design?

Paragon Oak’s family of inventors, visionaries and exemplary craftsmen live and breathe these foundations to achieve success. Our team strives to sow passion, strength and determination, thus ensuring every project grows from start to finish with precision and beauty that will last a lifetime.


Whether you’re in the process of finding your perfect plot or sketching your dream design, contact us to discover the possibilities for your oak frame building.

Houses & Oak Framed Buildings
Oak framed buildings Nottinghamshire