Message from us
Keeping customers safe
We know we have been quiet recently – we have been very busy adapting to this ever changing situation in order to ensure business continuity, working in close partnership with clients and suppliers.

After what feels like a lifetime of change,
the Paragon Oak family are working simultaneously to keep each other and our customers safe.
Following the updated government policy on construction work, our carpenters are now adhering to social distancing at all times, regularly washing hands and have additional PPE with them at all times if it is needed.
Our promise
Thankfully, working in a rural location in the heart of Yorkshire means we have lots of proper ventilation and large workshop spaces to work safely within.
Also, the dry and some days even sunny weather has helped to keep spirits lifted and make the most of working outside, on site.
Our promise remains to sow passion, strength and determination, thus ensuring every project grows from start to finish with a precision and beauty that will last a lifetime. All the while caring about sustainability of the materials we use and the relationships we make with our colleagues, build partners and suppliers – and of course you, our clients who commission us to build beautiful oak frames
It is a primary responsibility and priority for all of us to protect and ensure the health and wellbeing or our friends, families, colleagues and local communities – and doing all that we can to support the wider national efforts – including Government guidelines and policies, in full appreciation of those people working on the front line of this health crisis.
We hope you all keep safe and well.
Paragon Oak